Suddenly, a child asked his mother, "Mom why she was crying?" Her mother replied, "Because the mother was a woman, boy." The boy did not quite understand. Her mother just smiled and hugged her tightly. "Son, kamumemang will never understand."Then the boy asked his father. "Daddy, why my mother cry? Looks like she was crying for no reason that I understand? "The father was menjawa," All women are crying without any reason. "Is that an answer can be given by his father.Then time passes and the boy has grown into a teenager and kept wondering why women cry.One night, she dreamed of and asked the Lord. "My God, why do women cry so easily?". In her dream, the Lord replied: "When I put myself a woman, I make it a very major. I put myself shoulder to be able to withstand the entire weight of the world and its contents, although it must also shoulder feels comfortable and soft to withstand the sleeping baby's head. "The sentence also continues ..."I give women the power to give birth and took the baby from her womb, although often also he often lampoons repeatedly received from her son.""The woman I give patience, to care for her family even though weary, though sick, tired, all without any complaints.""I gave her strength, which would make him stay afloat, never give up, where all the people were desperate.""I gave her too-sensitive feelings and compassion, to love all their children in any condition and under any circumstances. Although, often the children were hurt his feelings, his heart hurt. ""This feeling is also that give warmth to the babies who resist nodding asleep. The touch is what will give comfort when cuddled him gently. ""I give women the power to guide her through tough times and became her protector. Because, not the ribs that protect the heart for each heart and not torn? ""I give him the wisdom and ability to provide awareness and understanding, that the good husband is husband who never hurt her, though often also, the wisdom that will test every loyalty given to the husband, to remain standing, parallel, complementary, and love each other. ""And finally, I gave it to shed tears for her feelings. Khusu This is what I give to women for use whenever he wants. Only weakness is owned by a woman, even though these tears are tears of life. "When the boy was awake from his dream, his eyes were in tears, he remembered all the kindness of his mother and he has not thanked him seriously.
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